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A member registered Sep 25, 2017

Recent community posts

I am very glad to hear your news, about the error, I was a long time trying to replicate it without success, but from experience with the application, I guess it is related to this other problem, as you can see, sometimes the cursor does not transition correctly with the Windows cursor, not allowing to interact with the window, I hope you find this information useful, good luck! 😉

I think it's a pretty elegant solution, although I would suggest complementing it with a button to increase or decrease the size of the color swatches; I mean, if I had to manage a palette of 216 colors, for example in 18 columns, that would give me 12 rows of colors, and with the current resolution, I would only be able to display approximately 4 rows.

By the way, I just realized that if you resize the screen with the cursor and then use the maximize screen button (the button in the upper right corner), the work area is bounded to the window without maximizing, greetings, and thanks for your dedication!😉

First, thank you for considering my ideas, about your question, exactly, I was referring to loading a static image as the main color source, since when working with a considerable volume of colors, it can become confusing to manage.

For example, here you can see a comparison of how YY-CHR presents the colors, following a logical order, compared to the imported version, by its application, which although functional, is not as intuitive as the original.

Something that becomes more evident, when you need to change the color source constantly.

Greetings. First, I want to express my gratitude for your program, which has been of great help to me over the years.

However, due to my color blindness, it is difficult for me to recognize the colors of the palettes I import. Would it be possible to add a feature that allows images to be loaded directly as a color source? This would allow me to capture palettes from programs like YY-CHR or Photoshop for more familiar use.

In addition, it would be very useful to be able to create subpalettes mixing the real colors that I have selected, to generate fictitious colors based on “Dithering Bayer” type patterns. This would simplify the process when adapting artwork from one system to another and would avoid having to later recover details that are lost after color reduction.

Thank you for your time, and sorry to borrow this thread, I didn't want to bother creating another one, practically for the same purpose.

Sorry for the delay, I have let several days pass to investigate if something changed when exporting and I found something interesting, now the image saves correctly, but if I compare it has a few different sectors: Files

Hello, Is it normal that the application exports the .BMP with masked transparency data? And if so, is there any way to disable it?

Thank you very much! 😉

I-CHR community · Created a new topic Feature request

I am not exaggerating if I say that this application has changed the way I work, but there has always been something that I feel limits me a lot when it comes to carrying out my designs and that is the limitation of using only one CHR page, per screen

Although it is not an indispensable necessity, since I can split the screen in 2, process it and then unify it later, I can't deny that it is something that hinders testing to optimize the design, anyway I understand, if you consider that it is not something relevant, anyway I thank you for having created something so useful!

(Note: I have used an AI to translate this text, so I'm not sure it expresses exactly what I was trying to say, sorry for the inconvenience).

The truth is that I was unaware of this feature, but I just linked it and it hasn't changed anything, however, I don't think it's fair to give you so much work, just for a key, for my part, I don't find a real difference between playing it here or on Steam. Although I will of course report back if this situation is resolved, best regards! 😉

Of course, I have always used the same account, so the game is linked to my profile.

I guess it's some kind of confusion, if I own the full version, I did get the mail announcing the Steam key, but I got the game in "The Arrival of Nightwind" promotion.

Hi, I just received a mail that said I could redeem a Steam key, through my full copy of this game, but when I enter the page it doesn't show me the same as you show in the screenshots, Have I, entered too early, or have I done something wrong? Greetings! 😉

It is not possible to claim 🥲

Many thanks to you, the retro community owes you too much! I would like to take this opportunity to recommend this web application, perhaps this tool will be useful for your projects:

Sorry, I didn't remember I had another file with the same name uploaded, I copied the wrong link: Special Stage NSS (7z)

(1 edit)

Attached is the file

I assure you that I am using the application correctly, it has been one of my main tools for years.

I give you my word, there is no way I would make a bug report, if I am not completely sure of what I am saying.

(1 edit)

I don't think this information will be useful to you, but if in doubt, the last time I did a similar job with NEXXT was in v0.10.1b, and I didn't have any problems on that occasion.

Also, just in case, I tried to export the attributes and the following happens (It wrote 256 lines not counting the header [It is configured to store only attributes]):

Perhaps what makes the application slow is related to the problem I had previously reported.

I must report that when you change the Canavas resolution, the selection starts to crash and the application becomes uncontrollable at times (I changed the resolution to 256x256).

It's strange, I can't reproduce the error, both the day I reported it and today when I sent the message it failed, moreover, before replying this morning I re-downloaded the application to make sure and even though I restarted the program a couple of times, configuring it to export only the attributes, the output file only contained what I mentioned. I really don't know what's going on.

I always keep my version of NEXXT up to date and I had already tried what you mention, but when I set up the file to export that data, the resulting file only contains this:



const unsigned char n01[0]={ };

Would it be possible to consider in the future a function to be able to copy this information to the clipboard, to make it more accessible?

Forgive me for making this inquiry through this medium, but I did not want to open a thread for a trifle.

In the original NST, I could export the attributes of my layout by doing the following:

But NEXXT, I can't find anything similar that only exports the hexadecimal data of the attributes, is there any way to perform this action?

It looks great, but its controls feel unsatisfying, especially when you hit a higher block, I suggest making the character stick slightly to the ceiling when he jumps instead of slowing his travel, or do as in other games where to put more objects in a smaller space they make the collision of their blocks a little smaller than they really are.

Another thing that I would have liked it to have was a better effect when crushing something, for example a sound, a tremor on the ground, I mean I am a hand with the power to destroy whatever crosses my path, I would like to be able to feel it

Finally, the secret passage is not very intuitive to say, when you enter it, it would be great if the path is revealed or at least you can see what is directly around your character, as if your character has a light or something for the style.

Good luck with your project, greetings!

Hello, playing the level where you are mounted on a moving box, I accidentally shot the switch after the mechanism started moving and was teleported into a wall, making me unable to continue the game.

Hola hice esta caratula para mi bibloteca de GOG. No es genial, pero quizás a alguien le interese...

That's exactly what it's about, sorry for the confusion, I'm self-taught in everything.

First of all, thank you very much for the prompt response, I would like to make a couple of considerations on two points of your return, since I feel that I have not been able to correctly express what I was trying to say, causing confusion.

Regarding point (5), I do not pretend that the application resolves my designs, so to speak, but to be able to take more advantage of a tool that already exists.

Currently, if I need to adjust my designs to a space constraint using lossy compression, the only way I can do it is by adding extra data that prevents it from taking up more sprites than I can spare in this process, the problem with this is that if they are not different enough from what I am compressing, they are optimized with the rest of the image, causing me to repeat this operation an infinity of times.

In conclusion, this process requires a great deal of manual correction, so I don't think it does the work for me, but it helps me know where to put my eyes when starting to make the necessary simplifications to adjust my projects. to the limitations of the system, so if you could define the lossy import being able to configure from the beginning "X" number of sprites, it would significantly reduce the workload of many artists.

(7) Actually, the problem is not to do it, but to do it manually, I mean, to achieve this effect, just load the CHR in any image editor and superimpose one part of the tileset on the other using a slight transparency in one of the layers , to achieve the mixing effect, taking into account the blocks where one or another group of attributes will be used, of course.

But after the sprites are mixed, it becomes a real headache, putting together the final title screen, because the more data the layout contains, the more difficult it is to find each sprite and put it in its proper place with the correct attributes. .

Although in any case I am aware that this is my most unreal request, so I understand that it is not taken into account, I just wanted to clarify my point, greetings.

NEXXT community · Created a new topic List of suggestions

Hi, first I wanted to thank you for giving support again to this great application, I know that maybe these ideas are silly or just unfeasible, but I did not want to miss the opportunity to share my experience, through my concerns 😉

  1. Open files by dragging and dropping.
  2. Make the window transparent in a native way for tracing.
  3. Load a larger CHR and be able to associate it with the sprites to be represented.
  4. Possibility to represent screens using breakpoints.
  5. Lossy compress by defining the amount of final output sprites.
  6. Lossy compression of a specific section of the screen.
  7. Compress graphics by color
  8. If there is a Tileset loaded, don't overwrite it, use the free space and reuse the matching sprites.
  9. Rearrange the Tileset data based on another imported Tileset.

(2) This is useful for using guide mockups and for applying palettes.

(3) In large projects, it becomes a headache to manage all the data.

(4) Many title screens use one or more breakpoints to provide more graphics:

(5) You can't always have the full CHR in the end game.

(6) Sometimes it is better not to compress all graphics, especially when you need to write in a common font:

(7) This technique focused on simple screens can practically double the Tileset space without losses, it consists of superimposing 2 different sprites in the same tile, using the colour attributes to hide one, showing the other and vice versa:

(8) When you create a title screen you generally do it thinking about integrating it with other resources, for example. the typography of the game.

(9) To conform to constraints, to reuse resources, or just to facilitate future edits to the graphics, it is sometimes necessary to adjust the Tileset so that it can be interpreted by humans:

Changing the subject, some time ago I designed these icons, maybe you will find them useful:

Pack Icons (7z)

Morí en el boss, pero me divertí mucho 😁

Es un trabajo increíble, pero esta parte simplemente me frustro. Por otro lado, sería genial poder descargar un savestate (jugué la versión de navegador), para poder continuar la partida en otro momento, realmente me da mucha pena tener que abandonar el juego luego de haberle dedicado tanto, por último, aunque entiendo la dificultad elevada, se agradecería un checkpoint adicional en el nivel donde hay que saltar 3 plataformas rodeadas de minas móviles, luego de que inviertes la gravedad, gracias por desarrollar este juego

Muchas gracias por su dedicación, me parece admirable su actitud 😉

Cómo dicen el trabajo que están haciendo con los gráficos es muy prometedor, aunque espero que en la versión final pulan mucho más el gameplay, ya que el demo actual se siente monótono y frustrante...

El principal problema es que el personaje queda vulnerable gran parte de tiempo, o porque se bloquea pegando, o sujetando algún enemigo involuntariamente cuando necesitas moverte o recibiendo una patada voladora que por más que veas venir con tiempo es muy probable que termines recibiéndola.

Y aun así, el juego nunca llega a proponer un reto significativo, lo más parecido es al enfrentarte al primer Jefe, pero por quedar atorado por los problemas que ya mencioné con el resto de los enemigos. Allí perdí todas mis vidas y después de un par de gameovers abandoné el juego.

Nota: Ignoro si esa es la intención en el futuro, pero muchos obstáculos del escenario parecen objetos que uno debería poder romper, por otra parte, deberían buscar otro FX, para los chispazos eléctricos de las luces, pensé que eran algún tipo de rayo que debía esquivar...

(Recomiendo agregarle una animación de parpadeo a la protagonista, le daría más vida)

Sin darme cuenta pasé un largo rato jugando, fue realmente entretenido, mi única crítica (si se puede decir así), sería poder continuar el juego (luego de perder) con la barra espaciadora o algún otro botón, por otra parte, sería genial en las secciones que llegan los pájaros que se habilitara momentáneamente la acción de frenar manteniendo presionada la barra espaciadora, hay veces donde llegan justo cuando debes saltar sobre un obstáculo y si saltas mueres, pero si no saltas mueres también, lo que es un poco injusto, en especial cuando has sobrevivido mucho tiempo...

El juego sigue ejecutándose en segundo plano aun cuando lo cierro, por otro lado, en Mario Bros cuando te subes sobre una tubería con una planta piraña, esta no vuelve a salir mientras estás encima, hacer esto o dar más tiempo para poder estar en la plataforma sería genial, tener que saltar a los costados de esta es poco intuitivo.


Aunque tiene niveles genuinamente divertidos, siento que este juego todavía necesita pulir sus controles, el personaje acelera muy rápido y es difícil cambiar de dirección a tiempo, esto es especialmente frustrante en el nivel donde debes esquivar las sierras sobre el ascensor, de igual forma su salto aunque es perfecto para sectores amplios se vuelve muy tedioso para espacios angostos, haciéndote morir solo por no tener forma de maniobrar correctamente, haciendo que algunos sectores solo se puedan superar por repetición y azar.

Sugiero que se implemente un doble salto, además se vería genial si el personaje girara como en el juego Contra, pudiendo saltar poco inicialmente o mucho cuando es necesario.

Por otra parte, otras ideas que pienso que harían más interesantes esta aventura serian:

Un contador de muertes.

(No sé si ya hay algo así) Ítems para sobrellevar obstáculos, por ej. 3 shuriken, para poder destruir obstáculos.

Un botón para respawnear en el punto de control, es frustrante tener que buscar donde suicidarte, cuando retrocedes involuntariamente.

Murciélagos o algún tipo de enemigo, para que el escenario no se sienta tan desierto.

Algún nivel con sectores con agua.

Supongo que muchas de estas sugerencias son ideas muy tontas, pero si leíste hasta aquí muchas gracias por dejar que probáramos tu juego ;)

La idea está bien, pero necesita mejores gráficos, puntos de control, vidas y un sistema de hits, si tuviera eso sería muy divertido...

The desktop version always starts with the top off the screen, on the other hand, it would be great if the application would use your icon and not the Godot Engine icon.

Es genial que ahora se pueda descargar, probándolo más a fondo pienso que le vendría genial poder distribuir el texto en varios renglones, por cierto gracias por tomar en cuenta la anterior solicitud ;D

Genial, estaré al pendiente 😉